Dental Sedation and Marijuana

Recently, we have been finding more people who are using marijuana. We are not here to judge anyone, but as part of your medical team, we need to know about your drug use for your safety and comfort.  Marijuana can increase the risk for complications and pain during and after surgery, and we suggest discontinuing its use at least 72 hours before your scheduled treatment.  Keep reading and reach out to us to learn more.

 Dental Sedation and Marijuana

The Risks:

Researchers have found that people who use marijuana tend to require more anesthesia to feel numb and relaxed during procedures, sometimes needing as much as three times the normal amount.  This can lead to increased pain and discomfort if insufficient anesthesia is used.  Becoming sedated and unconscious is more difficult as well, and simply using more anesthesia gets more and more dangerous.

While it might be tempting to use marijuana before surgery to relax, this can lead to more complications.  It can lead to an increase in pain sensitivity after surgery, leading to increased need for opioids and other painkillers.  Additionally, it can raise the heart rate and lower blood pressure, leading to an increased risk of airway sensitivity and heart problems, including heart attacks, when using anesthesia.  Marijuana can block the effectiveness of numbing agents.


What We Suggest:

Before coming in for any treatment that requires anesthesia or sedation, we recommend that you avoid all types of marijuana for at least 72 hours (although depending on your particular procedure, we might recommend a longer period).  This includes not smoking, eating edibles or using synthetic substitutes.  Our goal is to keep you safe and deliver effective care.


Can Your Dentist Tell You’re Smoking Weed?

Unless you arrive at your dentist’s office with a joint lit up, your dentist won’t necessarily know that you smoke cannabis.  However, they will be able to tell that you are smoking something.  The dry mouth, discolored teeth and condition of your teeth and the red, inflamed gums will all be indicators.

When asked about your marijuana consumption, be transparent.  Your dentist can be among your strongest allies to discuss the harmful effects of smoking cannabis.  They can advise you on the changes you can make to maintain or improve your oral health and recommend resources to help you reduce or quit the habit.   


At Dental Sedation Services, we provide high-quality, advanced dental anesthesia services to general dentists and dental specialists in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and the New York metropolitan area. The anxiety that many patients experience when receiving dental care is significantly reduced when treated in a familiar environment. Our office-based anesthesia services make dentistry more accessible and affordable, while offering patients the convenience of receiving comprehensive dental care in their own dental practice. For more information, you can contact us at (732)986-3690, or visit our website.

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Ami Patel