Dental Sedation Recovery and Outlook

Dental Sedation recovery times vary.  It depends on what type of sedation you choose and how your body responds to the medications.  In general, people who have nitrous oxide recover within 15 to 30 minutes and can drive themselves home following their appointment.  Those who choose oral conscious sedation, or IV sedation typically need about 24 hours for full recovery.

 Recovery for Dental Sedation

When can I go back to work or school?

If you’ve had nitrous oxide, you can return to normal activities once you leave the dental office.  However, if you’ve had oral or intravenous sedatives, you’ll need to wait at least one full day before returning to work or school.  Some people may need longer.  Your dentist can tell you what to expect in your situation.

When can I drive?

If you’ve had oral sedation or IV sedation, you’ll need to wait a full 24 hours before driving again.  If you’ve only had nitrous oxide, you can drive once you’ve been released from the dental office.


When can I eat?

You can eat and drink immediately after your appointment; though, most people prefer to wait until the numbness from the local anesthesia wears off.  It’s best to start with something light, like clear liquids, and progress from there to a smoothie or milkshake.  If you’re feeling up to it, you can eat something more substantial after a couple of hours.

Your dentist will provide you with a list of postoperative guidelines.  These instructions will tell you which types of food you should avoid, and which ones are safe to eat.  For most dental procedures, you’ll be able to eat normally again within one week.  It might take longer if you’ve had work done on both sides of your mouth.


When should I see my healthcare provider?

If you’ve recently had sedation dentistry, it can take at least 24 hours for the effects to wear off.  If you develop worrisome symptoms, such as nausea or vomiting, a fever above 101 degrees Fahrenheit (38.33 degrees Celsius) or pain that doesn’t improve with medication, call your dentist for further instructions.


At Dental Sedation Services, we provide high-quality, advanced dental anesthesia services to general dentists and dental specialists in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and the New York metropolitan area. The anxiety that many patients experience when receiving dental care is significantly reduced when treated in a familiar environment. Our office-based anesthesia services make dentistry more accessible and affordable, while offering patients the convenience of receiving comprehensive dental care in their own dental practice. For more information, you can contact us at (732)986-3690, or visit our website.

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Ami Patel