Emergency Dental Treatment and Sedation


There is no telling when a dental emergency will occur. Sometimes, minor or untreated tooth pain can become unbearable overnight to the point where a patient experiences severe discomfort. A toothache may result from a cavity, loose filling, abscess, or other condition. In other cases, patients can suffer an injury that damages their teeth. While some patients can wait until the next available appointment to seek treatment, others need to be seen immediately.

Common Dental Emergencies

Whether someone develops a tooth infection or has an accident that harms their teeth, they will likely need to see the dentist sooner rather than later. Some common dental problems that require prompt treatment include:

  • Dental avulsion: Avulsion happens when a tooth is completely displaced from the socket after experiencing trauma. If possible, the tooth should be replanted by a dental professional immediately to maximize the possibility of a successful procedure.

  • Loose filling or crown: Often, a patient does not realize they have a loose filling or crown until it becomes dislodged. When this occurs, they may experience pain or have difficulty eating. As one can imagine, loose dental restorations need to be addressed as soon as possible to restore patient comfort and tooth functionality.

  • Cracked tooth: Sports, falls, and other accidents that impact the mouth or jaw can result in cracked teeth. Depending on the severity of the damage to the tooth, a patient may need emergency treatment.

Find a Dental Sedation Specialist Today!

This kind of experience can be upsetting for many patients, which is why dental sedation can be used to alleviate their anxieties. If you have a patient who is suffering from a severe toothache or dental trauma, Dr. Jay Patel is available to provide dental sedation services. Dr. Patel is a board-certified dental anesthesiologist who offers office-based, mobile anesthesia services in New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. Our office can be reached at any time for emergency dental services that necessitate sedation.

 To contact Dr. Jay Patel for emergency dental sedation, please call Dental Sedation Services at 732.986.3690.

Melissa Alam